The quest for resources to acquire infantry uniforms is moving well but I must make ground on the nurses' uniforms. I think I have found a supplier but will need money equal to the infantry uniforms. If any one wishes to sponsor parts of Canadian Great War nursing uniforms to this worthy cause please contact me.
This is what we hope to purchase, but harder to find is the correct belt. I'm in the market to buy one if anyone has a Canadian nurse's belt for sale. Failing that I'm currently borrowing a buckle and will be reproducing it. You can follow this effort in my blog on Great War artifacts.
Update: March 2015. Here's the reproduction. These can be bought through my reproductions blog.
Here's a photo taken on May 5, 2015 at the commemoration of the departure of the 21st Battalion and the Queen's University Stationary Hospital Corps. All the uniforms came together in the last week, including the exquisite work done on the nurse's dress uniform, for which I was honoured to be able to make the buckle.